Zero Waste Grocery Shopping

Look in your trash can, what else do you see, under than organic food waste? Probably food packaging. How do you reduce the amount of food packaging? Read on!

Shop at Farmers’ Markets

Search farmers’ markets on google maps, I bet you can find a few near you. Bring some cloth bags and jars when you go to the farmers’ market. You can also reuse some plastic bags that you already have. Farmers’ markets usually don’t have as much packaging as normal grocery shops, like Safeway. my family likes to go to the farmers’ market when we run out of food in the fridge. That way, we can buy a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables at once. Going to the farmers’ market also means you are supporting local farmers!

Bring Your Own Containers and Bags

This is really easy! When you go get meat, politely say that you would like the chicken or slice of meat in your own container. Also, bring your own produce bags when getting fruits and vegetables. The same goes for bringing your own jar when getting rice or beans and bringing your own bread bag or Ziploc bag when getting bread from the local bakery.

Take Time To Think About What You Buy

Before you grab a bag of chips off the rack, think to yourself, maybe I can get some potatoes instead and try to make it myself! Before you drive to Target (though I have nothing against it), maybe try heading to Sprouts, or go to the farmer’s market instead. My point is, think about the impact of decisions that you might make, and try finding a better alternative to it!


How To Start Eating Less Meat


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