Zero waste swaps

Here is the ultimate list of zero waste swaps! I just want to say before you get into the blog post, zero waste isn’t about throwing everything that you believe is non 'eco friendly’ into the trash. It’s about swapping your things out after you have finished using your old one. For example, when you finish using your plastic toothbrush, get a bamboo one!

Aluminum Foil

If you can, switch aluminum foil into these silicone baking mats! They are perfect for when you need to bake something, and you can reuse them!

Body Wash

Instead of using a bottle of body wash, get a soap bar! They usually don’t come in plastic and can also be used as shampoo.

Brown Bag

If you go to school or work, (you probably do), swap out a paper bag for a metal tiffin. They are as easy to use and have a lot of space to store your food.

Cleaning Products

Most cleaning products have lots of toxic ingredients, I recommend making your own cleaning products or buy one from a zero-waste store near you. Here is a quick easy recipe you can try out:

1 Part Vinegar

1 Part Water

10 Drops Of Essential Oil

Mix them all in a spray bottle and shake

Coffee Cups

Did you know that 500 billion disposable cups are produced every year? Most of them aren’t recycled because the inner part of the up is lined with plastic. Bring your own coffee mug to Starbucks will actually save you money because sometimes they give you a discount!

Food Packaging

Food packaging is probably the number one thing you have in your trash can. There are many ways to reduce food packaging, such as going to the farmers market, growing your own food, hand-picked vegetables and fruits, bring your own bags, and shopping in bulk.

Paper Napkins and Towels

You can switch paper napkins for cloth napkins, just pop them in the washer if they get dirty. Use a cotton towel instead of paper towels, or you can reuse old rags to wipe tables.

Paper Plates and Plastic Cutlery

Try to keep a small set of real cutlery in your purse or backpack to work or a gathering. If you are hosting a party or gathering, borrow a few pieces of cutlery and plates.

Plastic Wrap

Plastic wrap is made to be thrown away. There are many options to replace plastic wrap. You can make your own beeswax wrap, or buy one. If it is in a bowl, then put a plate over it. You can also put leftover sandwiches in Ziploc bags. (As long as you reuse them!)

Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles are one of the biggest polluters and were made to be singly used. They also release toxic chemicals that are bad for your health. But yet this is a really simple swap! You simply can reuse your plastic bottle or get a reusable water bottle!

Plastic Produce Bags

Have you ever noticed all the plastic produce bags? They usually sit near fruits and vegetables. Instead of grabbing one of those, you can bring your own organic produce bags or reuse the ones you already have at home!


You can get a shampoo bar, there are many options that smell awesome! Or you can refill the bottles you already have at home.


This is one of the easiest swaps you can make! Get a bamboo one or a stainless steel one. You can also choose not to use a straw at all.

These are all the swaps! I didn’t include all of them, so feel free to comment on one swap that I could add!


Fact Sheet: How Much Disposable Plastic We Use | Earth Day. (2018). Retrieved 21 April 2021, from


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