How to be eco-friendly if you are a student

As a student, it sometimes feels as if it’s harder to protect the environment, with limited choices at school. But here are some easy ways you can try to be. Even better than just following these ways, try to create change yourself!

  1. Eat less meat

    If your school allows you to bring your own lunches, great! Bringing and packing your own lunches allows you to get the choice on what you eat. You can pack vegetarian and vegan options, such as a salad. For those students out there who don’t have the option of bringing their own lunch, you can try to eat one vegetarian meal a day. This is what I am doing, eating some meat at school, but not eating any for dinner and breakfast. Another way you can eat less meat is to choose the vegetarian option at school. Some schools have this, and some schools don’t.

  2. Bring your own reusable things

    To reduce waste, you can bring your own water bottle and cutlery to school. Though some schools use metal spoons and forks, others might use single plastics. Bring your own cutlery instead, this can also reduce the number of germs. Using a reusable bag when you have extra things to carry can also help.

  3. Don’t waste

    Don’t waste food. Try to finish your meal when eating at school. You can get a smaller serving if you know you won’t finish it all. Don’t waste resources. Turn off the tap when washing your hands, remember to turn off the lights when leaving an empty classroom. Use old assignment paper for taking loose notes and calculations!

  4. Walk or take the bus to school

    Instead of driving to school, you can take the bus. Not only will it help you with your time management, but it can also make sure that you won’t be late. If your school is close by, get some exercise and walk there

  1. Spread awareness

    This is one of the most important things of all. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what is right. If you care enough about this issue, you won’t be too shy to speak out. Talk to your classmates and teachers about this. Join or start an environmental club! If there are certain things that your school is doing to impact the environment, speak to your principal or the committee, and try to make some change!


Late Friday News.


81 ways to reduce your amount of waste and be more eco friendly