81 ways to reduce your amount of waste and be more eco friendly

I thought that I could write this quick blog post about 81 ways to reduce your amount of waste if you just want to try 2 or 3 each day. They are in no particular order so feel free to do them in whatever order you would like! Obviously, you don't have to force yourself to do every single one of them, just try :)

  1. Compost

  2. Go to the farmers market

  3. Make your own snacks

  4. Grow your own herbs and veggies

  5. Eat less meat

  6. Bring your own bag

  7. Bring your own produce bags or reuse ones

  8. Bring your own bread bags

  9. Own straws

  10. Own coffee mug

  11. Learn to regrow your kitchen scraps

  12. Also your own containers and jars!

  13. Shop at bulk

  14. Take lonely bananas

  15. Eat less meat

  16. Go meatless Monday!

  17. Or wheatless Wednesday to cut back on intensive farming

  18. Buy imperfect foods

  19. Go to the bakers for bread

  20. The butchers for meat

  21. Cook your own food

  22. Switch to beeswax wrap

  23. Use "real" utensils and plates

  24. Use cloth napkins and towels

  25. Recycle aluminum foil

  26. Don't buy lots of pans you don't need

  27. DIY makeup

  28. DIY lotion

  29. DIY lip balm

  30. DIY toothpaste

  31. DIY hand Cream

  32. DIY deodorant

  33. DIY mouthwash

  34. Find a good coral friendly and ocean-friendly sunscreen

  35. DIY Cleaning Supplies

  36. Buy second hand

  37. Get a bamboo toothbrush

  38. Use recycled toilet paper

  39. Or a bidet

  40. Use soap bars and shampoo bars

  41. Or DIY shampoo bar

  42. Get period underwear

  43. Or other sustainable period brands

  44. Recycle razors with Terracycle

  45. Keep a bucket in the shower to water plants when done

  46. Get an Albatross razor

  47. Get Georganics floss

  48. Get a LastSwab (Sustainable cotton swab brand)

  49. Reuse

  50. Refuse

  51. Repair

  52. Recycle

  53. Rot

  54. Donate old clothes

  55. Join a community garden

  56. Try using cashless

  57. Don't fast shop

  58. Have your own style

  59. Reuse old rags to wipe tables

  60. Realize that you don't need a lot of clothes

  61. Wash clothes when they are really dirty

  62. Make sure your washing machine is full before you start it

  63. Borrow clothes from family or friends

  64. Wrap presents and gifts in used paper or newspapers!

  65. Switch to using a fountain pen

  66. Reuse paper

  67. Get higher quality stationery (So that you can use it for longer)

  68. Print things on used paper

  69. Use recycled tissues like Who Gives A Crap tissues

  70. Donate old toys

  71. Donate old books

  72. Donate old clothes

  73. Say no to free items, they usually break really easily and are not that useful

  74. Change some lightbulbs to LED ones

  75. Put on something warm before you decided to turn on the heat

  76. Meal plan and meal prep!

  77. If it is less than a 30-minute walk or bike ride, don't use the car!

  78. Try public transport, such as the metro and train

  79. Swap tea bags for loose leaf tea

  80. Spend more time outside

  81. Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues!


How to be eco-friendly if you are a student


How To Start Eating Less Meat